St Cuthbert’s Church is located at the corner of Allendale Market Square. Everyone is most welcome to join us for worship at 11am on the second, fourth and fifth Sundays in the month, The Church is open from 10am until 4pm every day for quiet contemplation and prayer, or simply for the interested visitor.
St Cuthbert's Church, Market Place, Allendale, Hexham. NE47 9BD
St Cuthbert's, Allendale
St Cuthbert’s Church is located at the corner of Allendale Market Square, between the Golden Lion and the Co-
We have a peal of 8 bells which ring out on a Sunday Morning. Click here for more information.

St Mark’s Church recently celebrated its 250th anniversary
A warm welcome awaits everyone who comes to worship - 11am on the first Sunday in the month.
Highlights of the St Mark’s year are the Harvest Festival and Supper, the fund-raising ceilidh, and the Christmas Carol Service, for which the Church is always splendidly decorated.
St Mark's Church, Chapel Bank, Ninebanks, Hexham. NE47 8DB
St Mark’s Church, Ninebanks
St Mark’s Church recently celebrated its 250th anniversary.
A warm welcome awaits everyone who comes to worship - 9.30am on the first and third Sundays in the month.
Highlights of the St Mark’s year are the Harvest Festival and Supper, the fund-

Holy Trinity was constructed in 1860. The architect was A B Higham.
Worship is at Holy Trinity on the third Sunday of the month, at 11am.
Holy Trinity Church, Whitfield, Hexham NE47 8HD

Holy Trinity, Whitfield
This building was constructed in 1860. The architect was A B Higham. Thus, the Church recently celebrated its 150th anniversary.
Alternating with St Mark’s Church at Ninebanks, worship is at Holy Trinity on the second, fourth and occasionally fifth Sundays of the month, at 9.30am. Services use traditional language. In the depths of winter, however, worship is at the Old Church, St John’s, which is marginally easier to heat!
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