Terracycle – Crisp Packets

One of the most frequent items in our Terracycle bins are crisp packets.

These are taken to Allendale Primary School (APS) and the children sort them out. Boxes of crisp packets are then sent off to be recycled to make new products. APS also receive points for each box and these can be redeemed into financial donations to benefit the children at school.

All brands of crisps are accepted and also crisp multipack outer packaging. Terracycle ask that crisp packets are not folded into triangles. Pringles tubes (but not lids) are also accepted.

Rather than throwing packets away please save them for us and put in the bin outside St Cuthbert’s Church hall or outside the main door of APS.

More information is available here – https://www.terracycle.com/en-GB/brigades/crisppacket